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ASK Modulation and Demodulation Kit
Communication Kits / ASK Modulation and Demodulation Kit.
Technical Specifications :
- The Carrier wave is generated by using XR2206, the waveform frequency can be varied in range 22.7KHZ 227KHZ and amplitude is from 0 to 4.0V.
- Clock generator
Clock section is generated by using IC555, 74LS163 and 74LS0.
- Data generator
By Using 8 gate way DIP switch we can generate the required digital data which wwe have to transmit over the communication channel.
- Data display
For visualization of the demodulate output 8 LED's are provide.
- On_board block features
ASK Modulation and Demodulation circute using different IC.
For simple visualization off I/O 8 On-Board LED's are provided both on.